Month: January 2007

  • Once a Bosconian, Always a Bosconian


    January 31st marks the 119th death anniversary of Saint John Bosco, the “Father and Teacher of Youth” and the founder of the Salesian Society otherwise known as the Salesians of Don Bosco. This day is special to me primarily because of my being a Bosconian, and proud of it. I’ve been one for the greater…

  • Office relocation – An IT guy’s perspective


    DWH will be expanding its operations and will therefore be relocating its Philippine office in a couple of weeks. We’ve kept our hands quite busy with the office relocation project. We’ve currently leased two floors (3rd and 4th) from a building across the street from our current office location. And a lot of renovation activities…

  • How to avoid sore throat at work and be productive


    Have you ever had any lingering sore throat problems? It’s possible that your workplace environment could be the culprit. One of the key issues a company has to tackle to help improve overall workforce health and productivity is to provide them with a workplace conducive for work. This equates to providing good work environment ergonomics…

  • Your astrology and your temper


    Can you control your anger? Do you find it easy? One of the things that I’ve been struggling to control is my temper. History has proven that I often do stupid things when I get into a fit of rage, really stupid things. But stupid, by my own definition, does not mean physically beating someone…

  • Why cars fall off highways


    How good a driver are you? Can you honestly rate yourself as above average? An armored van that fell off the Metro Manila Skyway made the news a couple of days ago. This is the second reported incident in a year’s time of a vehicle falling off the elevated thoroughfare. What’s troubling is that the…

  • Parenting 101: Babies and canker sores


    Last Monday, our 14-month-old son had a fever that lasted a couple of days. CJ was very cranky and agitated and had no appetite during the course of his fever. We eventually found out what the culprit was – a Canker Sore or mouth sore, which is otherwise locally referred to in the Philippines as…

  • Asian internet slowdown


    Browsing the internet has been a nuisance for the past 3 weeks if you’re from the Asia Pacific region. Most Asian countries are still suffering from the aftermath of the quake that recently hit the region, which damaged undersea communications cables off the coast of Taiwan. The slowdown comes as a minor headache to the…

  • The Google book project


    This is something very interesting. Google is working on a platform that would allow users to easily download the entire content of books in a format that could be read on mobile devices. This will be part of the Google Books Library Project. This is somewhat modeled after Apple’s iPod product. Google will be doing…

  • Networking Solutions


    The past few days have been spent setting up my new website. The website is about IT networking solutions. This is in line with my plans to start up a new company sometime in the near future. I’ve been gaining tons of knowledge on the business side of operations in running a good company these…

  • The shark, the dragon, and the pig


    This year is the year of the pig, according to Chinese astrology. In China, the pig is associated with fertility and virility. To bear children in the year of the pig is considered very fortunate, for they will be happy and honest. The Pig is a fun and enlightening personality blessed with patience and understanding.…