I write about tech stuff, travel, food, and anything that meets my fancy.

  • I had to stop by the nearest gas station, PTT Clark, to tank up as I headed home from work last night. It was around half past nine. There were two vehicles being serviced so I pulled over to the…

  • Man, oh man. I’m 30. Is that old? Most people consider it so. Well, at least most of my peers do. Have I matured? The kid in me says “Hell no!”, but the father in me says “Yes!”. I’ll leave…

  • The ongoing FIFA 2006 Soccer World Cup in Germany has brought back good memories of my childhood. Football, or soccer, as most people call the game, is one of my favorite sports. I’ve been hooked on it since I was…

  • Let’s see….. Wow, CJ’s 7 months old today! Yey! He’s growing up really fast. And I could barely keep up with him when he was walker-sprinting. And I’m stuck here in Clark while they get to celebrate and have a…

  • Congratulations to the Miami Heat for winning the 2006 NBA Finals! Since both teams are my favorites (along with Phoenix), it doesn’t really matter to me whichever team wins. Although my preference shifted a little bit towards Miami’s way since…

  • I find myself frequently picking up a calculator and crunching numbers figuring out how much it costs me to drive to and from work. I spend my weekends in Manila with my family, and on weekdays, live and work a…

  • We recently celebrated CJ’s 6th month last May 22. Here he is posing with mom.  CJ’s a toddler on the run. He learned to use the old-fashioned wooden baby walker (no wheels here) when he was just 5 months old,…

  • March 16, 1983: I can vividly recall the evening my mom arrived, pedal-to-the-metal, Mustang engines roaring a hundred decibels louder than what we had been accustomed to hearing. She was crying really hard while trying to tell us the bad…

  • I had my baptism of fire. Today was my first day as part of senior management, and it started out with a bang.  That being said, the Spidey fan in me affirms my childhood hero’s bitter pill: “With great power…

  • They beat to circulate blood. The rhythmic beating tells us that we’re alive. It beats faster when you’re in love, and it stops when in despair.  I heard hearts beat yesterday afternoon. I heard three hearts to be exact. I…

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